Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Some artists really enjoy keeping a daily sketch journal.  I wish I enjoyed it more.  I would probably get a lot more inspiration for paintings, and ideas might pop out of my head that I didn't even know were there.  It might stem back to when I was in school and all those sketch book assignments that make sketching seem more like homework than fun.  I have at least started to force myself to do one sketch before starting a painting.  The process of choosing a composition seems to be easier when sketching, rather than standing before an empty canvas with a dazed expression on my face.  I still get antsy like I did in school when I would just as soon START ON THE ACTUAL PROJECT ALREADY!  I get a little impatient.  But after multiple failed paintings, and wasted canvases, I have gotten over the impatient part and made myself plan ahead a little.

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